Worth to Know

All about Potatoes
and Their Use

The Potato - Its Actual Ingredients

The first thing that probably stands out is the high water content: At 77.8%, it is more than three quarters. On the other hand, the potato is virtually fat-free in both its raw and cooked state, with a fat content of only 0.1%. Potatoes also contain more potassium per 100 g than bananas (382 mg), a mineral that acts as an electrolyte in the body and plays a key role in regulating blood pressure and water balance.

Many people are also unaware of the high vitamin C content of potatoes: 100 g of raw potatoes contain 17 mg of this important substance, while cooked potatoes contain 14 mg. That is more than an average apple can offer (12 mg)! Last but not least, cooked potatoes have a calorie content of 70 kcal - less than half as much as cooked durum wheat pasta.

In 100g (essbarer Anteil Frischware) sind enthalten:

Thiamin (B1) 0,11 mg
Riboflavin (B2) 0,05 mg
Pyridoxin (B6) 0,31 mg
Niacin 1,22 mg
Folsäure 0,02 mg
Pontothensäure 0,40 mg
Vitamin C 17,00 mg
Natrium 2,7 mg
Kalium 417 mg
Magnesium 21 mg
Calcium 6,2 mg
Eisen 0,4 mg
Phosphor 50 mg

Energiegehalt in 100 g essbarem Anteil: 70 kcal / 298 kJ

77,8 % Wasser
14,8 % Kohlenhydrate
2,0 % Eiweiß
2.1 % Ballaststoffe
0.1 % Fett
3,2 % Sonstige